You’re going to enjoy this Sci-Friday – it’s a look back, behind the scenes, at Star Trek: TOS. How did this happen? Memory Alpha has the story: “William “Bill(y)” R. Blackburn, was an uncredited background performer on Star Trek: The Original Series for all of the show’s three seasons, excepting the two pilot episodes. In that time, he played a wide variety of roles, usually as a navigator or a helmsman, all believed to be a character named Hadley. In total, he appeared in 61 episodes of the series.”
Because Billy Blackburn was in so many episodes, and he always carried his Super-8 camera with him, we get a rare glimpse of what it was like to work on the early days of this groundbreaking scifi show:
Blackburn has a lot of insights about the cast, and life on set. Kick back and relax. It’s time to beam up, retro style.
Have a great weekend!