For this Sci-Friday – that time your cat was abducted by aliens. I’m not sure how Moxie and Mason would handle being abducted but I’d like to think they’d handle it like this kitty did. Enjoy!
Alien abductions as a whole have been reported since 1897. Wikipedia says: ‘At least one case of attempted abduction was reported in conjunction with the mystery airships of the late 19th century. Colonel H. G. Shaw’s account was published in the Stockton, California Daily Mail in 1897: Shaw claimed that he and a friend were harassed by three tall, slender humanoids whose bodies were covered with a fine, downy hair. The beings tried to accost or kidnap Shaw and his friend, who were able to fight them off.’
The psychology behind alien abduction stories is as murky and ambiguous as the stories themselves. Real? Fake? If the aliens are real, they should come down here and tell us themselves. If you enjoyed this discussion, please feel welcomed to dive down the rabbit hole of every other Sci-Friday I’ve published in the past couple years. Have a great weekend! 🙂