And now for something totally familiar, yet totally different – Star Wars by Wes Anderson for this Sci-Friday. Is Star Wars getting ‘too Star Wars’ for you? Ready for a new way to enjoy the classic themes? Andersons’ films ‘are known for their eccentricity and unique visual and narrative styles.’ What if he directed a Star Wars movie? That’s the premise behind this week’s Sci-Friday – take a look and see if you’d watch this movie:
Wes Anderson’s unique film-making and storytelling style have been much admired and often-imitated. The real question is – Would I watch this? In a word, no. In answer to the video’s ‘wouldn’t this be awesome?’ question – let me say this: No, no it wouldn’t.
Let me get on the scifi soapbox for a minute. Andersons’ fairy-tale storytelling works in SOME ways and fails in others. Just as we saw with the Star Wars Holiday Special, attempts to blend universes, themes, and visual styles rarely work well for Skywalker & Co. Far better for Anderson, Disney, and Star Wars to find other ways to express themselves.
I hope you enjoyed this moment of scifi nerdery! Please feel welcomed to dive down the rabbit hole of every other Sci-Friday I’ve published in the past couple years. Have a great weekend! 🙂