Ooh, do I have a treat for you – get set for some Scifi ASMR with Isaac Asimov’s ‘The Last Question’ as read by Leonard Nimoy. Maybe you’re a fan of scifi, maybe you need some downtime and ASMR to relax and fall asleep. Either way, Nimoy’s gentle-yet-powerful delivery will have you in scifi heaven. Take a listen:
You might be interested to know that “The Last Question” ranks with “Nightfall” (1941) as one of Asimov’s best-known and most acclaimed short stories, according to Wikipedia. In fact, Asimov told a fun story where somebody called him (these were the days before Google and /r/tipofmytongue, btw) and asked about a short story he’d written: ” I recently received a long-distance phone call from a desperate man who began, “Dr. Asimov, there’s a story I think you wrote, whose title I can’t remember—” at which point I interrupted to tell him it was ‘The Last Question’ and when I described the plot it proved to be indeed the story he was after. I left him convinced I could read minds at a distance of a thousand miles.”
I hope you enjoyed this moment of scifi nerdery! Please feel welcomed to dive down the rabbit hole of every other Sci-Friday I’ve published in the past couple years. Have a great weekend! 🙂