Here’s some good news – my scifi short story Foreverest is now free. I love giving stuff away whenever I can, so this is something I’m happy to share on a random Wednesday. My little brain tacos are the gift that keep on giving, so I’m happy to share them with other SF nerds like myself. What’s Foreverest about? Here’s a quick description:
Winning a $600 Million lottery is a dream come true, right? In a world of nanotechnology, lethal consequences, and ruthless operatives, one soon-to-be widowed winner is about to get a lesson in the art of removing problems by low friends in high places.
I think you’ll love Foreverest for a couple reasons. 1. It’s a scifi noir short, something you’d dig if you’re a cyberpunk fan. 2. It’s got some big ideas. Like, if you think about how nanotech can be used or misused in the future you start wondering, what could bad people do with nanotech? What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in possession of over a half-billion dollars? Answering those question led me to write Foreverest and publish it as a scifi short story; now I’m happy to give it away for free.
Now, you can of course support me which I appreciate. I also understand the risk of getting to know a new author. So that’s why I’m giving you the option to try Foreverest for free at the bookstores below:
Support me – Buy it for $0.99 | Hey, I get it – you need to know I’m worth it. Go ahead, Get It For Free |
Write on!