Happy Monday, let’s talk more about Space Elevators on the moon while I continue to draft Mike.Sierra.Echo. Scientists believe that it’s much easier to build a space elevator on the Moon instead of Earth because, less gravity! This is an awesome idea of course, let’s learn more!
According to NASA, Liftport is funding a precursor project by sending a robot two kilometers up via a cable and building a test platform of high-altitude balloons that are tethered to the ground. The robot launch could help with the Lunar Elevator, which in turn could help with the Earth Elevator.
As you’ll quicky find out in Mike.Sierra.Echo, making a space elevator is easier said than done. You need to have specific technology that we haven’t developed yet (superstrong elevator cables) and we need to perfect other items (maglev elevators). But when we do find the answers to those questions, watch out! Liftport has some ambitious goals and to that we say: bravo! If their proof-of-concept works, that brings us one step closer to the amazing world of space travel without expensive rockets.
Let’s talk more about space elevator take in a future post – I’ve got a novel draft to finish. Happy Monday again, and write on!