This is a quick post telling the story about the story. Lots of times, author business is also about the nuts and bolts that make your stories visible and accessible to your readers, not about the stories themselves. Irritating. I call it ‘fixing what’s weak this week.’
Good things are happening in various areas. Cinderellavator is taking shape, I’m done with the story map and I’m using Story Cards to flesh each chapter out with the help of my pro writing group. Those items should help me cut my ‘first draft to final draft’ timeline and I’ll keep you posted on how that all works. My Twitter audience is growing, and I’m getting more attention via Reddit. But those things can’t happen in a vacuum. I can’t be the chef so focused on making his meal that he ignores the dirty dishes in his kitchen sink.
Inkican needs more attention in the SEO area. I know I said keep making and cranking, but let’s look below the headline. Diligence and care must be taken so that the your blog posts have the best possible shot at finding the people looking for them. That means creating SEO-optimized landing pages. That means optimizing your blog posts for SEO. That means taking fresh look at your old blog posts and optimizing them for SEO. THAT means a lot of minor changes to old web content. THAT means a ton of re-writes and photo editing. You get the picture. Tons of work to realign and shape all that nummy web info for future readers.
It’s also making me think about new photo ideas and I have to be honest – I don’t know if ANYONE besides me cares about Inkican wallpapers. I want people to get a sense of the universes I’m building, but since I’m not a professional graphic artist there’s only so much I can hope to accomplish in this area. In a perfect world, I would have gotten an MFA degree that encompassed my interest in writing and graphics. One more thing to add to my Author Success Wish List.
That’s the update for now, lots of stuff happening to fix what’s weak this week. I’m getting back to work but feel free to reach out if you have a specific question.