So what do you do when you’re screwed before you get started? That’s a question I’ve asked myself through the past two re-drafts of Mesh. It’s difficult to face your own fragility and limitations; painful to lay in the gutter and look up at the stars. Yet, that’s what 2020 demands of us on a daily basis. It wasn’t until last night, catching Bon Jovi’s new single ‘Do What You Can’ on Steven Colbert, that I found the answer.
It’s been a while since I’ve heard a mainstream song be this honest and relevant. Honestly, I thought lyrics this good only happened in Taylor Swift songs or indie rock. When art irritates me, I’ll speak up. When it inspires me, I’ll say that, too. Great song, great message and it’s coming at a great time. We need some positivity in a world that’s trying to use us for toilet paper. If you can’t do what you do, you do what you can.
Write on!